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EduChain emerges as a pioneering educational social media platform that leverages blockchain technology to deliver an unparalleled learning experience and empowers individuals to monetize their knowledge. Operating on a collaborative model, EduChain encourages users to create and share high-quality educational content.

a. A Secure and Reliable Educational Social Media System

  • Learn and Share Knowledge: EduChain serves as a hub for learning from experienced individuals, sharing one's own knowledge, and connecting with a global learning community.

  • State-of-the-Art AI System: EduChain employs an advanced AI system to filter out content that violates educational regulations, ensuring a safe and wholesome learning environment.

  • Legal Operations: EduChain adheres to the laws and censorship regulations of each country it operates in, guaranteeing legality and security for users.

  • Ready for a Global Educational Experience: EduChain has passed the iOS and Android app store review processes, poised to deliver a quality educational experience to users worldwide.

b. Crypto Mining System and Learn to Earn

EduChain stands as an educational project that harnesses blockchain technology and offers a unique "Learn to Earn" model. Users can earn EDC tokens by engaging in learning activities on the app.

1. Purchase a Mining Node Cloud Subscription Package: Users need to purchase a mining package that suits their needs and financial capabilities. The mining package will provide users with access to mining nodes.

2. Learning Activities on the App: Participating in courses, calls, live streams, or other learning activities on the app will help users earn Notron, the project's energy unit.

3. Activate Mining Nodes and Generate EDC Tokens: Using the earned Notron to activate mining nodes allows users to generate EDC tokens, the project's cryptocurrency.

EduChain's Financial Model to Encourage Learning Activities:

  • EDC Token: EduChain utilizes the EDC token as a reward for users who participate in learning and sharing knowledge.

  • Generate Income from Knowledge: Users can engage in learning and knowledge sharing to earn EDC tokens. EDC tokens can be mined and exchanged for other valuable assets, providing income from knowledge.

EduChain is developed by a team of experienced and passionate developers from various countries. The company responsible for outsourcing and main design is Pi Gaming 1, a subsidiary of two technology groups, LNP Solution and Pi Solution, with 13 years of establishment and development in the technology field.

EduChain stands as a unique blend of an educational social media platform and a Crypto mining system, offering users an impactful learning experience and attractive income opportunities. Join EduChain today to embark on a journey of limitless learning and personal growth!

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