πŸ”– Master EduMall Franchise

The "Master EduMall" franchise program is designed to support schools or training centers in connecting with and sharing profits from development with EduChain. Below are the benefits and terms of this program:

Benefits of joining the franchise:

  • Revenue from NFT and mining node sales: Receive 5% of the revenue from the sale of all identifiable NFTs and mining nodes beneath.

  • Mining fee revenue from mining nodes: Receive 3.5% of the mining fees from all mining nodes beneath.

  • Increased mining capacity for individual nodes: Individual mining nodes will receive an additional 20% mining capacity when participating in sharing and learning at your location.

  • Location advertisement: Drop tokens and items at your location to attract participants.

  • Online advertising: Use banners and videos for online promotion.

  • Token trading (MM): Participate in token trading to enhance the liquidity and value of your tokens.

This program offers the opportunity for educational and training organizations to collaborate and increase profits through the integration of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency tools.

Last updated